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Would you believe Wal-Mart.com??

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

   The other day I was surfing around the web in search of a small-scale coffee table for a client's formal living room and I nearly fell out of my chair when this image appeared on my screen!

Pretty spectacular, right?  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find something so chic and so current from the same place that I buy my dog food, paper towels and about a bizillion other mundane items, but it's true! This brings my Wal-Mart love/hate conflict to a whole new level.

So, I thought if I could find this at Wal-Mart (.com), what else is out there I have been missing?  

Do what you must - I'm not here to judge.

Need help pulling your style together?  The Green Room Interiors can make your home a beautiful place to be!  Call Kim at 423.653.3186 or email thegreenroominteriors@gmail.com

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