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Regarding Million Dollar Decorators

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

With each week that passes, I become increasingly fascinated by this show. The big budgets, the bigger personalities, the demanding clients, the deadlines.  What's not to love?  Here are my observations so far...

1.  Martin Lawrence Bullard is actually growing on me.  After the first episode, I didn't think I could get past all the "Dahlings", "Deee lish uss" and the obnoxious name dropping. And then there was the apartment he put together for Sharon Osbourne.

Haven't we seen this before?

Tuesday's reveal was better, but I wasn't in love with the Jimmy Choo shoes and bags as art in those plexiglass boxes. 

I think it would have been much more effective to have the shoes and bags artfully photographed  and hung en masse.  

2.  I think Ross is stealing Jeffrey's thunder.  He's clearly more focused and it seems his most important role is keeping Jeffrey in line.  The more likable Ross becomes, the less tolerable Jeffrey is.  They are the Yin & Yang of MDD. 

3. What happened to Nathan Turner?  I had such high hopes for him as a little oasis of normalcy in this sea of craziness and he has nearly disappeared from the show! How about they show less Jeffrey learning how to make tarts and show more Nathan Turner ?

4.  I find Kathryn Ireland's eccentricities completely charming and I cannot wait for the reveal of the beach house project.  I adore Kathryn's cozy and comfortable style!

Image via Elle Decor

5. Here's something about Mary.  I've been a huge fan of Mary's work for years.  I remember the first time I saw her was on  HGTV's Kitty Bartholomew show in the 90's. She was less glamorous and more preppy back then, but she had that flair for the dramatic.   It was disheartening in the first episode to see her selfish reaction to the news of her client's divorce. The past few episodes haven't been as painful - for me she comes across as quirky rather than cold. 

For her office reveal, I think the addition of the French doors and the black paint on the windows and doors was lovely.  

I also noticed some similarities between Mary's office that was featured in Domino a few years back and the office space above. 

The layout is identical with the placement of the desk, two chairs, two lamps and art wall behind the desk. And what about the black & white photos of the ladies wearing hats as the center of the gallery wall(s)? The white desks with Chinoiserie details?  (okay, I like that one too).

Are you following the show?  My opinion on the projects and the decorators changes with every episode I watch.  What do you think?

Need some help pulling your style together?  Kim Lemmon at Yessick's Design Center can make your home a beautiful place to be!  Call Kim at 423.653.3186 for more details.

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