I remember one episode in particular that really got my attention. There was a male designer (sorry, I didn't think to write down names) who favored a more understated design. He likes working within a neutral palette and prefers very little embellishment. We'll call him Mr. Neutral.
This is not Mr. Neutral's space, just an example of the look he favors - balanced, quiet and edited.
His competitor in this episode was a woman who likes a more layered, colorful look and has no fear of the pattern. She will now be known as Ms. Color.
Early on in the show, Mr. Neutral stated that he felt that color was a "crutch" that some decorators use, rather than using more proper decorating tools - like scale, symmetry, texture and arrangement. Jaw drops. Did he really just say that?
For me, color is everything! It''s uplifting, it's a mood creator, it's the fountain of youth for a tired space or a dated piece of furniture.
Jill Sorenson
Meg Braff
Honestly, I don't even remember if Mr. Neutral or Ms. Color won that episode. I was so distracted by his "color is a crutch" comment I couldn't focus on the show. And yes, I have seen some lovely spaces that are completely void of color, but to declare that color is a "crutch" is a stretch. Color is a tool, and an effective one at that.
Color fans, take a look at my color board on Pinterest.
I've also started a board devoted to neutrals. See it here.
I'd love to know your views on the use of color!
Need some help pulling your style together? The Green Room Interiors can make your home a beautiful place to be! Call Kim Lemmon at 423.653.3186 or email thegreenroominteriors@gmail.com
Need some help pulling your style together? The Green Room Interiors can make your home a beautiful place to be! Call Kimberly Lemmon at 423.653.3186 or email thegreenroominteriors@gmail.com
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