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Regarding Pinterest

Monday, March 18, 2013

So about Pinterest.  I was later than a lot of you to open an account, and even later to actually create my boards and start pinning.  Between blogging, facebook, work, family and everything else, I just didn't want to commit to another social networking platform.  I'm so glad I had a change of heart, because, good Lord,  I'm in awe over the number of fantastic images, ideas and recipes I'll never make to be pinned every day! 

Do you have the Pinterest app? It's the end of boredom as we know it. Carpool lines, waiting rooms, and sporting events will never be the same.

I'm fascinated by what the people I'm following are pinning, and I'm astounded by the number of incredible design images that are floating around out there.  A wealth of inspiration for the taking! 

And just a few weeks ago, someone I admire/idolize became a follower.

Meg Braff. Color me tickled. 

Are any of your idols your followers?

Make sure you stop by Wednesday.  I'll be revealing my family room makeover for the One Room Challenge!

The Green Room Interiors provides Interior Decorating and Design services in Chattanooga, TN.  If you'd like to discover the joy of living in a well-designed home, call Kim Lemmon at 423.653.3186 or email thegreenroominteriors@gmail.com

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